Power Quality Improvement Services
Power Factor Correction Information
What is power factor correction?​​
Power factor correction is connected to an electrical system to counter reactive power generated by industrial equipment. The high reactive power reduces the power factor, which is a measure of electrical efficiency. A low power factor increases maximum demand, consumption and electricity costs.
Power factor correction units counter the reactive demand by applying capacitance which improves the power factor and increases the efficiency and capacity of the system.

Power Factor Correction Servicing, Manchester, PQIS Ltd.

PFC Manufacture & Installation for a plastic injection moulding company in Cheshire

Power factor correction equipment Installation, from experienced electrical engineers.
A low power factor is caused by the inductive demand of industrial electrical equipment. This generates the reactive power in an electrical system.​​ The larger the reactive power, without correction, the lower the power factor will be.
A low power factor will increase all the electrical values based around the current. A higher maximum demand is achieved and a higher agreed availability with the supplier is required. In extreme cases the supplier may add 'reactive charges' to the electricity bill.
A system with a low power factor can also suffer faults and a reduced lifespan of electrical equipment.
The solution to reduce reactive power in an electrical system is power factor correction equipment.
Power factor correction units are connected to a low voltage electrical system to react to inductive loads by switching capacitor banks into circuit. The capacitance near eliminates the reactive power, reducing current, maximum demand and KW losses of the supply.
The effect of a consistent power factor above 0.98 is reduced electricity costs, increased system capacity and an improved electrical environment for equipment.
PQIS supply power factor correction units for all business requirements.
Power factor correction equipment is usually integrated with LV switchgear of a site. The annual maintenance of power factor correction equipment is necessary due to the natural deterioration of capacitor output. The deterioration of power factor correction units is not always obvious, particularly if without modern controllers which indicate faults and low capacitor output.
Included in our annual maintenance service is a full report indicating capacitor output, component operation and equipment condition. With recommendations for improvement or repair.
PQIS power factor correction maintenance and repair services can be arranged on using the contact form.
PQIS supply power factor correction units and services to companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint and electricity costs.
Businesses operating from new or established premises can benefit from PQIS solutions. Our engineers have worked with all types of industry to deliver power factor correction projects for +15 years.
Case studies of our work have been used to produce articles for theenergyst.com and other publications which can be seen in the gallery below.