Power Quality Improvement Services
Power Factor Correction Equipment & Services
Power factor correction units and services available to order online. A service purchase will be responded to by PQIS for arrangement. For bespoke PFC requirements and international delivery complete the contact form. Allow 6 weeks for unit delivery and 7 days for components.
Power Factor Correction Units
Power factor correction units available to buy online. Includes free UK delivery,
Various capacitance output and isolation requirements available.
Power Factor Correction Capacitors
Power factor correction capacitors for use in power factor correction units. Listed are stocked low voltage power capacitors, for any other capacitor enquiries please use the contact form or details.
Power Factor Correction Contactors
Power factor correction contactors fitted with surge protection.
We supply a range of contactors for different KVAR ratings and coil voltages.
Low Voltage Fuses and Fuse Bases
Fuses commonly used in power factor correction units.
For any power fuse or accessory not not listed please use the contact form.
Power Factor Correction Controller
Power factor correction controller with a six or twelve stage output for power factor correction units. Digital display of power quality values including KW, KVA, KVAR and harmonic distortion.
CA Power Quality Monitoring Devices
Portable and fixed monitoring devices to display and trend efficiency and consumption.
Low Voltage Detuned Reactors
Detuned power factor correction reactors. For bespoke requirements use the contact form.
Power Factor Correction Accessories
Miscellaneous components used in power factor correction manufacture.
Filter Fans and Control Panel Exhaust Filters
Fans and exhaust filters for electrical panel ventilation.
PQIS Services
Services available to order online to improve electrical efficiency. A power quality survey specifies efficiency solutions for electricity consumption and capacity.​ To ensure output and operation of power factor correction units annual maintenance is required.